Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why I'm Blogging

Well, I've held off for as long as I can.  I've always been intriqued by other bloggers - sharing their stories and thoughts with the world.  Didn't ever think that I would be drawn to participate, but here I am.  Typing away and wondering why I'm doing it.  First, I think writing is a good outlet.  I like to write down thoughts and stories from my day, and since I don't keep a journal or diary, maybe this is a good first step.  After all, Facebook will only let you type so many words into your status posting!  Second, maybe my musings will inspire someone along the way.  Maybe not.  Maybe my recipe for gingerbread won't change someone's life in the least, but I can always hope.
So now comes that hard part - what to write.  I wish there were daily assigned topics.  Maybe that would get my creative juices flowing.  Maybe today will just be a quick hello to the blogging world, no pressure for a great story or creative thought.  Yes, today's posting is an introduction.  Hello bloggers, my name is Kelli and I'm new to blogging.  I apologize ahead of time for boring posts, emotional tirades and frustrating mispellings (yes, I'm one of those people who enjoy grammer, but frequently break the rules of the subject).  I'm not promising that I'll write on a regular basis, but I'll try.
Thanks for reading :)

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